**Primarily iPhone photos ahead. Enjoy! **

Dear WPPI 2013,

I can’t even begin to tell you how awesome it was to come to Las Vegas this year and soak in all of your WPPI goodness.  I’ve been to Las Vegas a few times before but never with the agenda to learn it, live it and love it, as you would say.  This was my very first year at WPPI so I was giddy with photographer’s excitement and anticipation.  I heard there was a lot of walking so I packed my TOMS to hopefully be able to keep up.

WPPI in Las Vegas 2013

Because of you, I had the opportunity to learn from some brilliant minds in the photography industry.  Each had a unique message jam packed with ideas that I can morph into my own to fit my business.  Some speakers had me falling out of my seat laughing with their over the top personalities while a few brought tears to my eyes with truly inspirational and sincere stories of success and love.  I was overwhelmed (in a good way) with the impact each made on me and so thankful you brought together these amazing people.  A big thank you goes to Dane Sanders, Kirk Voclain, Lawrence Chan, Peter Hurley, Nichole Van Valkenburgh, Mary Marantz, Robin Long, Rachel Brenke and Melissa Ghionis.  With each class, I emerged a better and stronger photographer.

WPPI Speakers in Las Vegas 2013

Walking through the Expo to meet so many amazing vendors and personally touch and feel the products I have been thinking about bringing my clients was priceless.  I can’t wait to start offering even more quality products to my home and my clients’ homes.

WPPI 2013 Expo in Las Vegas

And what would WPPI be without friends.  I was able to hang out with some old friends from around the country and make new ones that I can’t wait to reunite with next year <3  Thank you for giving us a great reason to get together at least once a year.

Friends at WPPI 2013

WPPI 2013, you have forever changed my life and made a huge impact on me as a photographer, business person and friend.  Thank you for such an amazing experience.  Owning a photography business can often times be a daunting, scary place but you have made it a beautiful thing where people learn, live and love all the time.  For that, I am truly grateful and already looking forward to seeing you next year.

Your friend for life,

Brittany Lauren Photography